To use the NanoKard mPOS App to generate QR codes and process transactions, employees must be added to the mPOS Clerks page in the NanoKard Platform. Follow these steps to add a manager or general employee as a Clerk:
After adding a clerk, you can edit their information at any time through the NanoKard Platform. The following steps explain how to use all the clerk editing features, including:
- Changing the clerk's name
- Activating or deactivating a clerk
- Modifying the clerk's permission level
- Updating the clerk's location
- Generating a new PIN
- Removing the clerk from the system
How to add a clerk
- From the left-hand menu of the NanoKard Platform, navigate to the mPOS Clerks tab from Business Settings to be directed to the Clerks page.
- Select the Add New Clerk button in the top, right-hand corner.
- Fill out the required fields to add a Clerk.
a. Clerk Name: Create a unique, easy-to-identify clerk name.
b. Manager/Employee: Using the radio buttons, select if the clerk being added is a Manager or Employee.
Manager role Employee role Managers can view and refund all transactions from the daily batch and view the total daily batch amount. Employees can only view and refund the most recent ten transactions on the mPOS. c. Location: Select the appropriate location for the clerk from the dropdown menu.
d. PIN: Create a unique 4-digit PIN for the clerk. The clerk will need to enter this PIN to start a sale or do a refund. This ensures you can track your transactions for all your clerks.
- Review the data and select Confirm to add the new clerk. If successful, the mPOS Clerks screen will display the message "mPOS Clerk created successfully".
How to edit a clerk
- From the mPOS Clerks page select the appropriate clerk line item.
- The Edit Clerk pop-up will be displayed, allowing you to take any of the following actions:
a. Clerk Name: Update the clerk's name to any unique name.
b. Active Toggle: The toggle switch allows you to change the status of a clerk from active to inactive.
c. Update Clerk Role: To update a clerk's role and associated permissions, use the Manager/Employee radio buttons.
d. Location: Migrate a clerk to a specific business location using the checkboxes in the dropdown. Or you can assign the clerk to all locations by choosing Select All within the dropdown.
e. Update PIN: Select the Update PIN link to change the merchant PIN. This feature is useful if a clerk forgets or misplaces the PIN, or if the PIN needs to be reset for security reasons.
Once you've completed the steps outlined above, your newly added clerks should be ready to use the mPOS App. The next steps to start accepting payments are to download the mPOS app, log in, and make your first sale.